Monday, June 8, 2009


Finally, I've done my first presentation in INTEC during English class.

Well actually, is not very common for me to use slide show to make presentation. Typically, in high school, we only use mahjong paper, the easiest way I guess., but here most of the presentation are in slide shows form..

Basically, I'm excited, but I don't know somehow, when it was my turn to present, The Traditional Chinese Medicine, I was shivering along my presentation.. The boys laughed at me. Yeah, it was funny.. I would laugh too.. I was not too nervous, (a bit only). Even in my previous interview, I was not shivering that bad.. My god...
However, I'm satisfied with what my group.
Fortunately, my group’s members were very cooperative in finding the information, preparing the slide, and discussing.. Yeah, lucky me..
Well, with only three days to prepare for our first presentation (in INTEC), I believed that my group had done a good work. The orientation of the work, basically were devided among us. At first, when our English lecturer, Miss Siti Hasnaa, assigned us to do the chinese medicine culture and practice, we did brainstorm to get the idea what were the chinese culture were all about. All were included, herbs, movement, the yin and yang, the five elements, tai chi, massages, acupuncture, refloxolgy, and jade.. Hmm however, only the popular topics were presented.

So these were my group members, Lan, Qarafi, Saiful, Farahin, me(Adilah), Shahira and Izzah..

Ok, proceed. Lan, he did a good work. Good explainations and he was so excited to present our topics.. Saiful, he was our technician, I guess.. Thanks for the laptop.. Qarafi, hmmm there is something about him. Undescribeable, but still he’s good at attracting people’s attention.

Me?? People judged me..

Farahin.. She did a very good job too. Her explaination were understandable and she has good intonations. Izzah, well, she was ok, but I think she need to interact more with the audience. Shahira? She was okay. Not bad.. Basically, I’m satisfied, but I don’t know how about others.
Incident happened at the end of the slides.. For those who remembered, sorry Bani.. Incidentally happened...

Presenting in the group are not aesy. Good comunication skill and cooperation are very important. Without them, there will be no team. So, thank you my group.. hehehe..

I learned something during this presentation, sometimes we have to be more proactive. Yeah, the LCD projector.. Something wrong with it… Actually, we don’t have to be dependent to much one the slides. The slides are just one of the way to make teaching and session more fun, but the most important thing is our delivery.. Most of our good speaker and leaders all over the world, do not depend on text so much, but their intonations, choices of words, and thier confidence make people listen to them.. So, even we prepared the slides, it doesn’t mean we have to rely on it 100%, but we have to be prepare.. So, be prepared...


  1. yup. prepare and always have back up plans.

    ps: just minor error you need to work on. good luck.

  2. phine arr!!!
    gapo dia 2?
    accident 2..

  3. Yelah accident...
    Next time double check lah.. Huhuh..
